Hello Dharma friend,
We thank you for your interest in joining the Northwest Buddhist Recovery Network and promoting your meeting on both http//nwbuddhistrecovery.org and http://www.buddhistrecovery.org/ websites.
Please send your meeting information to members@nwbuddhistrecovery.org
- Day of the week
- Meeting time
- Meeting Name
- Venue Name
- Venue address and/or online meeting link, meeting ID and password
- Any directions or location notes
- Contact name, email and/or phone
- Any other meeting description or web-links
Thank you for your interest in Northwest Buddhist Recovery. We hope to add you to our growing family of “Friends on the Path”.
As a new member of NWBR, we are asking you to consider a donation of any heartfelt amount. This donation will assist Northwest Buddhist Recovery in maintaining our website, providing monthly events for the Buddhist Recovery community and supporting basic administrative costs for the organization.