First Aid Kit for the Mind Breaking the Cycle of Habitual Behaviors with Vimalasara
ONE DAY WORKSHOP at the Seattle Buddhist Center Sunday, August 25, 9:30-4:00 More Information on the Event...
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Seattle’s Heart of Recovery Fall Retreat – Hybrid Event
You are warmly invited to our Fall Retreat on Oct 19-20, 2024. Heart of Recovery joins the ancient wisdom of Shambhala Buddhism with the 12-step form ...
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New Meeting in Mount Vernon!
Come support one of the newest meetings in the PNW! Tuesdays 6-7pm at Recovery Cafe Skagit 1908 Riverside Dr, Mount Vernon, WA 98273 More information ...
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News from Portland PDX Intersangha
Recovery Dharma is alive and well in the Pacific Northwest. The PDX Intersangha ( currently has 24 active meetings, many of wh...
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BRN Academy and Podcasts
Online Teachings and Podcasts by the Buddhist Recovery Network....
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SASG Meetings have Moved!
Now named Peer Seattle, check out all the meetings!...
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“By constantly acting on our fears and hatred, instead of our generosity and compassion, we keep churning the karma of hate.”

Ven. Kobai Scott Whitney,
“Sitting Inside”
“Lusterous ones, who having destroyed intoxicants, have (in this world) attained Nibbanna.”

Dhammapada 89
“It is easier to live a life of non-harming, if we know that whatever we do to others, we do to ourselves”

Laura S.
“12 steps on the Buddhas’ Path”
“Not to do any evil, to cultivate good, to purify ones’ mind- this is the teaching of the Buddhas.”

Dhammapada 183
“What unites us all as human beings is an urge for happiness, which at heart is a yearning for union, for overcoming our feelings of separateness.”

Sharon Salzberg,
“Loving-kindness, The Revoluntionary Art of Happiness”
“As rain does not penetrate the well thatched dwelling, so desire does not penetrate the well tended mind.”

Dhammapada 14
“If you accept that suffering is a natural part of your existence, this will undoubtedly make you more tolerant towards the adversities of life”

Dalai Lama
“The Art of Happiness”
“Irrigators lead the waters. Fletchers bend the shafts. Carpenters bend the wood. The virtuous control themselves.”

Dhammapada 145
“A first attempt at understanding love might be by learning to receive it.”

Ven. Kobai Scott Whitney,
“Siting Inside”
“All phenomena are unworthy of attachment.”

SN 61
“With mindfulness I can create for myself Karma that is sane and abeneficial to myself and others. I can realistically anticipate consequenses and act accordingly.”

Laura S.
“12 steps on the Buddhas Path”
“Better than a hundred useless words is one word of the Dhamma. Self-conquest is the best of all conquests.”

Dhammapada 102 & 103
“Lusterous ones, who having destroyed intoxicants, have (in this world) attained Nibbanna.”